This is an almost embarrassingly simple stardate calculator. Below is the code, feel free to use and modify it for your own needs!
One thing to note, this is not *technically* an accurate stardate. To calculate a stardate, we must subtract from January 1, 2318. This in result gives us a negative number. However, I think this looks hideous, and as we are still ~300 years way from the date, I don't want to see a negative number next to the stardate. To fix this the absolute number (math.abs) is used.
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<title>Stardate Calculator</title>
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<h1>Stardate Calculator</h1>
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function updateStardate() {
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var stardate = Math.round(Math.abs((timestamp - Date.parse('2318-01-01')) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 0.68)) * 100) / 100;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "Stardate: " + stardate;
setInterval(updateStardate, 1000);